Slow down. Chase balloons. Chase dreams.

Emma Herbert

How Life Should Be

hot air balloon somerset

I woke this morning to the sound of birds. Finally, summer is making an appearance.

Those who know me will understand my motivator; I am tuned to the importance of allowing our children the space they need to develop, and feel that every moment spent with family and friends is a blessing. This morning I stopped to smell the roses and wandered outside with my morning coffee. As I enjoyed the serenity I was disturbed by a distant roar as a hot air balloonist charged the flame –  I called Lola to watch the skies in anticipation.

Soon, our neighbour appeared for a chat and just like that, she and Lola disappeared – off to chase the balloon which had seemingly landed in the field close to our home. Not even 8 am and so much excitement!

As I sat enjoying a welcome yet unusual moment of morning quiet, I realise two things:

  1.  Lola is growing up fast
  2.  Every opportunity to live spontaneously in the moment is a gift

This morning has reminded me how simple things bring great pleasure. The thing is, we’re often to busy to notice them, so my advice to both myself and to you is to slow down; chase balloons, chase dreams, and most importantly share precious time with your family.

It’s how life should be.

Make the most of every moment. Montessori education allows for exploration and togetherness
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Emma is a single mum, writer and illustrator. Having lived in Thailand, New Zealand and Australia she is now settled near Bath in the UK with her daughter. Her thirst for learning about the world around us gives her inspiration to travel and explore, which in turn sparks the creative juices that flow into her educational materials and books.

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