On a Bright Morning in May


Today is going to be a good day. Despite the challenges being faced by families around the world, it’s a day to look forward. It’s a day to be grateful for, and a day in which to live fully. 

Over the past few weeks , I’ve faced loss and uncertainty, but I know I’m not alone in this. Sleepless nights, tearful days and emotional exhaustion have been the cycle. I decided that I needed to let my body do what it needed to, so I rested and ate well; it has been the time to let my own well-being take the front seat, and to put education on the back-burner. 

Thankfully, three nights of good sleep, and only doing what is absolutely necessary during the day, has helped considerably. This morning, I feel armed to go outside and potter in the garden. I’ve been avoiding talking to my neighbours because I felt close to tears, but today I think I can manage it. Today, I hear the birds singing joyfully, whereas in recent times their dawn chorus has been little more than a muffled distraction. 

I set up Montessori Stories several years ago with enthusiasm, to share my happiness at being a parent and to spread the message that time is precious. I wanted the world to know that money doesn’t buy happiness and it certainly doesn’t provide our children with the happiness, love and memories that they need. 

I feel that I’ve lost my way somehow. I have been trying to create a Montessori homeschooling solution, but my goal was always to shout from the rooftops that children are the here and now – our time to enjoy them is limited. 

Moving forward, I will of course be providing some useful things for other parents and teachers but I think I need to go back to my roots. To blog often about the joys of parenting. To share the little moments that matter. 

I’m going to leave this short post here, because the laptop is not the place I choose to be. The day awaits, and I have a little someone who needs me to be there. 

As for you, remember to live for today.


Pleasure in nature

Simple pleasures from the garden.



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Emma is a single mum, writer and illustrator. Having lived in Thailand, New Zealand and Australia she is now settled near Bath in the UK with her daughter. Her thirst for learning about the world around us gives her inspiration to travel and explore, which in turn sparks the creative juices that flow into her educational materials and books.

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